Friday, 6 July 2007

Bilal Abdulla Charged

Dr Bilal Abdulla, one of the two men arrested at Glasgow Airport after last Saturday's botched car bomb attack, has been charged with Conspiracy to Cause Explosions. Well, there's a surprise, since he was nicked at the scene pretty much as he hopped out of the Cherokee used in the attack.

Even so, this unsurprising development seems to have caught the General Medical Council on the hop yet again. The accused doctor remains on the GMC's medical register, despite being accused of a crime so serious that a conviction could lead to him serving a life sentence.

Naturally, I don't expect the guy to be treating any patients in the foreseeable future (though I'm still concerned that there doesn't seem to be any ongoing audit of patients he's ALREADY treated), but there is the matter of public confidence in the medical profession to consider.

Do we really need to prod the GMC every step of the way, until they do their job? This guy, and his fellow suspects, must be suspended from the register RIGHT NOW.

Billy Seggars.

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