Sunday, 8 June 2008

Poll Axed - Gordon Brown-Trousers Cut Down To Size

Gordon Brown-Trousers is in for another corkingly bad week, if this article in the Telegraph is anything to go by. It seems that the Labour party has hit yet another all-time low in the polls - an ICM survey for The Sunday Telegraph puts the Tories on 42 per cent, 16 points ahead of Labour’s 26 per cent - the lowest figure the party has recorded in any poll by the company.

This is getting a little monotonous, isn't it? One month ago, I posted about a YouGov poll in the Sun that showed the Great Leader, Velcro McBean, Gordon Brown-Trousers himself, on a Michael Foot-ing and doing really very badly indeed. And now he seems to be losing even that tenuous grip on unpopularity. I'd have at least a little sympathy with almost anyone else in Brown's embattled position - I am, after all, a nice guy.

But the Prime Minister has been the sole author of his own downfall, first as Chancellor, and then in the job he schemed and plotted to obtain for so long. New Labour's ever-growing scams, cons and blatant betrayals have finally caught up with them, and Gordon's Trousers are, quite justifiably, Brown. He knows that the electorate has had enough, that they're not impressed with his backtracking on 10p tax or fuel and road tax, and that they're really, REALLY not impressed with his Government's lunatic plans to detain terror suspects for 42 days without charge.

Oh, and there's the small matter of the EU Treaty to consider, too. Despite prayers from the Brown-Trouser camp, that issue hasn't gone away, and is likely to cause him considerable embarrassment this week. Remember how Labour promised us a referendum on that issue, then went back on their word? How is it that the Irish people can have a referendum, but the British Government is too afraid to give one to its electorate?

Remember how, back in 2003, Home Office Minister Caroline Flint claimed that David Blunkett's decision to allow 500 public bodies to access our e-mails and tap our phones was necessary in the interests of National Security, and how a Home Office spokesman promised there would be no widespread eavesdropping and no invasion of our privacy, except in the most extreme circumstances? Remember how, last week, it was revealed that local Councils all over Britain are using those powers to "check for evidence of dog smuggling and storing petrol without permission - and even to trace a suspected bogus faith healer."

And now, with breathtaking audacity, the very same Government wants us to believe that they will impose checks and balances on their madcap scheme to bang people up for 42 days. I don't believe it, and even if they do, those checks and balances won't mean anything at all. It just won't do. This Government has lied to us, misled us, passed legislation that means they and their colleagues in local government can - and do - spy on our private communications. They have feathered their own nests, furthered their own interests and generally abused their position, to a degree that I would never have thought possible in Britain.

Ten years ago, maybe even five years ago, I'd probably have reluctantly agreed to such draconian measures if our elected Government said they were necessary. After all, we pay them to run the show, they have access to intelligence information, and they're supposed to be trustworthy. Who'd ever think that even the most rabidly zealous British Government would ever hatch a plot to turn the country into some pseudo-Stalinist state?

Today, having seen exactly how much contempt Gordon Brown-Trousers and his predecessor have for the freedoms of the British people and their way of life, I wouldn't trust them to ... well, to do anything, actually. And, if the polls are to be believed, I am not alone in my views. The news is not good for Gordon Brown-Trousers, and it's going to keep on getting worse - I wonder how long it will be before raging ambition combines with fear of unemployment to force one of his underlings to try for the top job?

Billy Seggars.

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