Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Put 'em to the sword!

Here's a great story from the Daily Express. It seems that a bunch of teenage muggers took it upon themselves to steal from a group of fringe theatre performers who were heading home to their lodgings.

Nothing unusual about that, you might think - happens all the time, everywhere. Yes, but it's not often that one of the victims is dressed in character as the Greek hero Odysseus, complete with a damn great broadsword. Needless to say, Odysseus, AKA Oxford student and martial arts expert Tom Clews, was less than happy to have the £20 earmarked for the cast's supper snatched from his hand, and set off in pursuit.

The Express article doesn't describe what the villains must have thought when they spotted an enraged, sword-wielding lad hurtling after them, but I, for one, hope they have nightmares about it for a very long time to come. I don't suppose it will deter them from a life of crime - anyone who chooses a victim armed with a bloody big sword isn't really a contender in the high-IQ stakes - but, thanks to Clews, this group of thugs' crimewave is over for now.

Despite being belted on the bonse with a bottle, he was able to trip the villains up with his sword and detain them until the police arrived. Good going, Mr Clews!

Billy Seggars.

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